Music Thread!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by eoin.anderson, Aug 23, 2011.

  1. Tim Member

    This is one of the most moving pieces of music I've heard in a while:

    The vast, sweeping feel drew me in the first time I heard it, and the unexpected chord change/soprano vocals hooked me completely. Plus, the lyrics and the inspiration behind them are just so very sad. I had to track this down used on Amazon, since it's not for sale on U.S. iTunes/Amazon MP3.
    Craig likes this.
  2. abby New Member

    Saw these 2 guys open for Youth Lagoon last night. They blew YL out of the water. Love when an unknown (to me) opener makes me happy crazy!
    Craig likes this.
  3. maxi New Member

  4. maxi New Member

  5. David Samuels New Member

    Bright Eyes, Ceschi Ramos, Kristoff Krane, Fources of Nature, Why?, Rademacher, Astronautalis, Soso, and Fenster to name a few..
  6. Craig Member

    Wow, these guys are great! Thanks for the link :)
  7. Pedro Meadows Member

    Anyone here familiar with Emperor X? Oddly enough, he is hails from the Jacksonville area, and his newest record "Western Teleport" came out the same day as the roots. I gotta say both albums were my favorites for the year.
  8. ben Administrator

    Awesome, that's Chad. Yeah, he's from Jacksonville originally, though he hasn't lived here in about 6 years. I haven't seen him since he left, but he does really cool stuff and is an all around good guy.

    I always liked this video of him:


    I'm friends with Ceschi and Astro, and both are really folks you should catch live at some point if you haven't already. Also, me and Astro just produced Belubird's new record, so you might like that one.

    Here's a track from it with me producing and doing backing vocals, and Bleu and Ceschi with all the words and rap stuff:
  9. Pedro Meadows Member

    Hahaha! thats awesome I always wondered if you guys knew each other. You two have both been incredibly influential in my composition, and I always wondered if you guys knew each other. It's funny you posted that video, Raytracer was my first favorite song of his. It's cool because you guys both embody the DIY spirit but in two different ways both of which I find incredibly inspirational.
  10. neonbible Member

  11. eoin.anderson Member

    I just saw that Astro is making an LP with Bon Iver!!!! That's insane, I'm pumped to hear the album, but I couldn't believe it when I first heard it seems like such an unlikely team. That's awesome for sure though, for those that want to read the article here it is
    Craig likes this.
  12. Craig Member

    Dang! Agreed that it sounds like an unlikely colaboration, but after buying his latest LP (This is Our Science) and spending a fair bit of time with it, It seemed to me that Astro has shifted gear quite a bit on a few of the tracks. He seems to be heading in a new vocal direction (I'm pleased to say), with a couple of the tracks sounding quite Tom Waits-e like this one:

    I'm super excited to hear how Bon Iver's simple beauty mesh with Astro's edgy/theatrical approach to song writing - regardless, it should be quite the experiment!

    Thanks for the link also ;)
  13. ben Administrator

    That's awesome news! Good for Andy. And it'll likely work well. He usually works with a bunch of plain ol' musicians instead of traditional hip hop producers, so it isn't much of a stretch.

    Another friend of mine, Rickolus, produced this song. He's the other half of Clone, which we're finally releasing this year, and puts out a bunch of stuff with Circle Into Square. If you like that track, check out his other stuff. Here's a recent video he did:
    Craig likes this.
  14. MagicalZebra Active Member

    quasar-2009 likes this.
  15. Bataleon New Member

    As a massive Radical Face fan I felt I had to register here to share with you a group called Blue Sky Black Death. I've listened to their latest release everyday for the past year... It's really exceptional! The sound is very layered - much like Radical Face - which is why I think I like it so much. Let me know what you think ;)

    quasar-2009 and Craig like this.
  16. Craig Member

  17. minor_glitch Member

    How have I not made any music recommendations yet? Alright... where to begin...
    Ok, enough for one night!
    Craig likes this.
  18. minor_glitch Member

    Ok, I can't resist posting one more Ólafur Arnalds video.
  19. MagicalZebra Active Member

    Regina spektor's new album arrived today. I ordered on the day it came out, but I guess everyone did, so it was late. But still, so far it's a great album. The new version of "ne me quitte pas" is definitely not as good as the old one.
    Old ne me quitte pas:
    New one:
    The best song on the album in my opinion:

    I enjoyed that a lot.
    Craig likes this.
  20. Craig Member

    Great stuff man - this guy is fantastic!

    It reminded me of a video I found the other day. A classical interpretation of Ben's work that really is something.

    Come to think of it, I really can hear Michael Nyman's influence in this.

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