Radical Face-inspired creations

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Aimee, Nov 14, 2011.

  1. Gabbers Member

    Sounds amazing. I know some people do balloon photography as well which would just be incredible to do in a similar way to how you are thinking :)
    dennish likes this.
  2. Nick Mooney New Member

    So pretty much Feathers is my favorite song of all time, and I imagine it always will be. And since in my free time I do crazy video stuff and make movies, I kept wanting to put something together to it, but the original video that I had in my head was gonna be filmed around these epic Rocky Mountain landscapes, but.... since I ran out of money, I had to move from CO and was super bummed I never got to it. And recently I had this pet project to recover some really cool footage from different cameras, hard drives, etc. to beat my Ohio winter blues. And I pieced together something I hope will be entertaining if anyone wants to watch. Pretty much if you want to watch a piece of my life and the stuff I film and you're bored, hopefully you like it. Muchas gracias, one love y'all :)
  3. Clive Lynx New Member

    This is really good, than you for sharing. You have such a universe.
  4. ben Administrator

    Thanks for sharing all these. I forget to say it sometimes, but it's always a boost to see stuff like this.
  5. Accidental Loser New Member

    Hey I haven't been on here in a long time and I guess one of my projects drew on a direct inspiration from the Ghost album, with the idea of houses containing memories, that the memories bleed into the walls. I went a step further the memories are the walls. Each object has a meaning and a memory here's just one of my favourite photo's ForRadical.jpg
  6. ben Administrator

    That's a really cool idea. I like extending it like that, even to a house entirely built entirely of memories.
  7. ben Administrator

  8. Regan King Member

    i read you were gonna make a compilation vid of safe and sound .. thats a special song for me dude, what are you thinking of doing for it?
  9. Accidental Loser New Member

    yeh that was just one of the nice shots the end product didn't look too special but here it is. It was 3x3x5 feet so wasn't huge but still took some time to make, definitely a project I would love to do again in the future. Have you heard of lone twin? If not you should check out their work The Boat Project its along similar lines and looks set to be, well, bloody fantastic.
  10. ben Administrator

    I'm not sure yet. I know I want to shoot it with these toy video cameras I bought in Japan, but I'm working on a treatment now. I think it'll be more based in imagery. I keep liking the idea of bloody noses lately, for whatever reason.

    That's really cool. And I looked into the Boat Project as well. Also awesome. Thanks for the heads up.
  11. Regan King Member

    yeah man well shit i'll take some videos of every blood nose i come across and help you out,

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