General stuff that I didn't know where to post

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TiredTrooper, Aug 5, 2011.

  1. ben Administrator

    Shot back. Let me know if there are any issues with the .zip files.
  2. dogbert Member

    I just hate iTunes period. I have an ipod touch 3Gs and every time I add new music to it (through iTunes) it usually deletes other music in the process - even though the files it removes are still on my hard drive in the same place, gah!

    Loving the new EP though Ben, just wanted to add that and to say thanks for the free gift. I really enjoyed all the songs on it, but 'All is well (goodbye goodbye)' especially touched me. I lost my dad to cancer on July 4th of this year, and the subject matter of the song took me by surprise on first listen, wasn't expecting it.

    Eagerly awaiting 'The Roots', any ideas on when the webstore will be taking pre-orders? I would imagine you're helluva busy but just thought I'd ask, really want to get me a t-shirt pack haha.
  3. ben Administrator

    Thank you, Dogbert. But I'm really sorry to hear about your dad. I hope you're doing alright.
  4. dogbert Member

    thanks Ben, yeah I'm doing alright :) been a crazy couple of months but I know it will get better.

    hope you're doing good, and hope it's not too tiring spinning all them plates right now haha :)
  5. ben Administrator

    Yeah, I guess there's not a lot you can do for certain things but give them time. Still sorry to hear it. My condolences.

    And I'm exhausted, but nothing so heavy. Definitely looking forward to a break though. Which I will get in November, from the looks of it.
  6. Regan King Member

    Ben release date for the Roots is the 4th of October right? but when i clicked pre order it started downloading , do u want me to wait to the 4th to listen to it ?
  7. ben Administrator

    Oh, no. Go ahead and listen. It's all the same to me. The actual release date is more just for all the systems (retail, press, blah blah). I'm happy for folks to have it whenever.

    Thanks for asking though. Hell, most people don't even buy records at all anymore, so thanks for even preordering it. Hahaha.
  8. TiredTrooper Member

    Regan, could you really have waited till the 4th to listen to it ?
    Regan King likes this.
  9. Regan King Member

    lol haha no its amazing ... exceeded all expectation, can't wait till hear some of the more involved choir tracks, pretty sure im gonna greyhound it to the virginia show after the LA show ... cos i want to see that highschool choir get involved and yeah mr trooper i had no intention of waiting till the 4th hahaha pce
  10. eoin.anderson Member

    So is the preorder on itunes for a physical cd? I thought it was just the MP3's so I was waiting to pre-order the cd when information comes up on it
  11. icenine New Member

    Right, I was also wondering about the physical album preorder whether it will be vinyl or cd. Also Ben I think it is awesome that you spend so much time talking to your fans about books, music etc. on here. I can't wait to hear your latest.
    EDIT: I just saw the post about your plans for the physical release. The book idea sounds awesome.
  12. TiredTrooper Member

  13. ben Administrator

    Hahaha. What the hell? I know it goes out of print a lot, but that's just bizarre.

    Oh, I just like talking to folks. I don't always get out very much, so this is half of how I communicate with people these days.

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