Family Tree

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by TiredTrooper, Sep 14, 2011.

  1. hughesypf Active Member

    Its just on Itunes. The links for both versions are on the little intro page when you go to
  2. JeffreyC Member

    Yes, but it only allows me to pre-order and not download now...sounds like others are able to download now for some reason.
  3. hughesypf Active Member

    Ah yes, well it seems only some people (including myself) have been lucky enough for it to download instead of preorder. It may be something to do with the country you are in.
  4. JeffreyC Member

    Yeah, that's what I was wondering if perhaps it was released earlier elsewhere. I'm in the US - Denver, specifically.
  5. Noah Denzer New Member

    Listened to it on iTunes, it sounds great! Even though I can't exactly hear what you are saying about many vocal tracks from the iTunes clips I'm going to show it to the directer of my chorus and a-capella group and we will see what we can do about setting up a show!
  6. ben Administrator

    Yep. I think it was an error for people preordering outside of the US. I think it's kind of funny that the record got leaked by itunes. But I'm not worried about release dates. I think typically people are just trying to get on charts of some kind, and they try to get all the traffic to happen at once. I'd rather people just have it.
    Charly and Pedro Meadows like this.
  7. hughesypf Active Member

    Haha, well I can't say i'm that worried about getting to listen to the album weeks before alot of people ;). The only downside is not everyone can say what the think of it and discuss it right now.
    Are you gonna be posting any of the lyrics or is there no point seeing as they're going to be in the book/CD or whatever it ends up as?
  8. minor_glitch Member

    Ok, I see the store is up and the physical cd/tshirt preorder is there, but it doesn't let us place an order. Now you're just teasing us!!!
  9. Lui New Member

    Where's the store?
  10. dogbert Member

    I can see there is a UK/Europe store (awesome) and a US store. I know I'd be quicker ordering from the UK/Europe one since I'm in the UK, but I really wanted to beg for a signed copy since I won't make any of the shows.... I wonder if it would be worth just ordering from the US store and hope Ben does me a favour haha :D
    Flora and Lui like this.
  11. Lui New Member

    Signed copies for all preorders? ;D
    hughesypf likes this.
  12. a flicker of light Active Member

    For some reason, I'm getting a "currently unavailable" on both copies. Drat!
  13. andrew New Member

    I would easily pay considerably more for a signed copy.
  14. andrew New Member

    Stunning album by the way! Havnt put it down.
  15. neonbible Member

    I ordered the bundle from the uk store yesterday. I thought I get an immediate download link, but didn't seem to get one.
    Charly likes this.
  16. Charly New Member

    I ordered it a few days before the date it said, from the store on the Website.. I think I got a download of Pound of Flesh on the day of release and then the day after I got the full download.. I did get an error message but didn't know what it was about because I got the full download when I got that message so wasn't bothered really.. so long way round.. Maybe you'll get yours in a couple of days!! Am I right in saying the physical items arent being sent till this week???
  17. neonbible Member

    I take it they are sent out manually then? Ben is touring so I guess he hasn't got round to it.
  18. minor_glitch Member

    Hey Ben, would you consider the idea of posting raw tracks as a remix kit for one of the songs? I think you did it a while back for a couple older songs?
    Personally, I'd love to throw around some ideas for Severus and Stone! The Moon Is Down would also be an interesting one to play with.
  19. ben Administrator

    Just wanted to note: if you aren't getting the download immediately, then something is screwy. If you e-mail me at, either me or my sister will make sure you get it.

    And sorry I'm slow responding. My time on the computer is pretty limited from not being at home.

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