What society follows you?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Elliot Sizeland, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. Elliot Sizeland New Member

    What kind of people from society like you, I mean there are the brain dead swag people who like skrillex n stuff. What kind of people do you aim towards?
  2. MagicalZebra Active Member

    I like to just be myself. It's difficult to fit into any particular group of people because you'll never be exactly the same as anyone.
  3. kako Member

    Hm.. I don't really identify myself in people. But I think you can always find an interesting things, even in people/group you didn't be interesed in the first time.
    I like to agree with someone who has an another point of view from mine so most of my friends are quite differents. And I think you can't really explore yourself and your abilities if you can't show your difference..
  4. ben Administrator

    I've never been real sure where I fit in, but outside of a particularly insecure period during middle school, I've never worried about it too much. And the funny thing about most of my friends, both growing up and now, is that none of us are terribly alike. I think the only major thing we share is a sense of humor. It's hard to get along with the people I know if you can't laugh at yourself, and at life in general. But beyond that, we're a bunch of misfits, even among each other. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
    MagicalZebra likes this.
  5. As a high schooler its pretty easy (for me, especially in the dry area I live in) to be friends with people from most circles. I mostly fit in with the kids that skateboard which is kind of unfortunate for me because i neither skate nor have a good camera to film them with haha. i fit in with the drunk kids too but i dont drink...its hard to fit in without trying to overdo it i guess. people seem to respect this, be who you want and it works out. but yeah, if somebody knows a band or something that i like, theyre a friend forever.
  6. Craig Member

    What society follows me? The lizard men from the secret society called the Illiuminati have been following me... I think they want to probe me. Damn them and their "brain dead swag"!!!

    kako likes this.
  7. Seamus New Member

    Interesting question, I've never thought too much about it (except for an unfortunate Goth phase when I was about 16 which didn't suit me at all.) I've always been very shy, but I have friends from many different walks of life; some are what many people in England would label 'Chavs' and I have been called many things, including a Hippy haha! I just get along with people who share my sense of humour, people I can count on even though we can disagree about lots of little things. I don't consciously try to fit in with any certain group any more, and I like having a variety of friends with different musical tastes and different views on things generally.
  8. MagicalZebra Active Member

    Do you guys hang around outside corner shops and wear a lot of tracksuits
  9. Seamus New Member

    Some of my friends probably would, though we live in a tiny village and there's only one shop! Not my idea of a good time. Haha, I just wear jeans and shirts or jumpers, a few of my friends rock the tracksuit look though. To each his own!

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