Sick Daughter....

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Random Letters, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. Random Letters New Member


    My daughter is sick. She is a beautiful three year old girl, and quite literally the reason why my heart continues to beat. We used to play "Ghost" through headphones into her little living space inside her mother's tummy before she was born. Most recently, with the release of "The Branches" she would say "Is this Radical Face?" And more often than not it would be, so she may be your youngest and biggest fan.

    Two weeks ago she fell ill with an as yet to be diagnosed encephalopathy. She went from being the world's most energetic and amazing three year old to being unable to move at all.

    We have been transferred to the best hospital in the country for sick kids, but we are terrified. I can't imagine a life without her. I'm supposed to be tough. Supposed to keep a straight face. But I can't. I'm the one that people look to for strength, but I can't be strong. I'm beyond destroyed.

    Please keep her in your thoughts. I'm not a person "of God" but I am a big believer in the power of positive thought and would appreciate any positive vibes you send her way.
  2. Pedro Meadows Member

    Jeez, that's awful. Hang in there man, and best wishes for your daughter.
  3. MagicalZebra Active Member

    We'll all be sending our positive vibes.
  4. ben Administrator

    Oh, man. I'm really sorry. I can't imagine what you're going through, but my heart goes out to you, your daughter and your family. You certainly have my well-wishes. I'll keep her in my thoughts.
  5. Gavin New Member

    Two young daughters here so I have some sense of what you're going through. Positive vibes sent. I'm not sure anyone could be "strong" when faced with this. I hope you start getting positive news real soon.
  6. Fade New Member

    That sounds incredibly tough. It goes without saying, but best wishes to all of you.
  7. Random Letters New Member

    Thanks for the well wishes and positivity, I'm sure it helps!

    She is doing MUCH better! She went from essentially being catatonic to talking, eating, moving and nearly walking again in the last two weeks. The doctors are all literally shocked by her improvement. Absolutely no one expected her to be where she is right now in terms of recovery. She is unbelievable.

    With high hopes she will make a full and relatively speedy recovery. She is home tonight on a weekend pass to see her little sisters for the first time in over a month. I feel incredibly lucky. There will be music in the house tomorrow and a dance in all of our steps.
  8. MagicalZebra Active Member

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