Radical Face back in London!

Discussion in 'Shows' started by neonbible, May 15, 2013.

  1. neonbible Member

    Just a got an email from Ticketweb and say theres a gig in November.

    Its in London's Union Chapel and looking at pictures, this venue looks dope! I'll be there.
    MagicalZebra likes this.
  2. dogbert Member

    Yeah there are also gigs in Manchester and Bristol - no show in Scotland again though....!! I am wagging my finger at you so hard right now Mr Cooper!
    Looks like I'm Manchester bound in November :)
  3. JamaBDB New Member

    I second Dogert. A Glasgow gig in King Tuts would do rather nicely.
    dogbert likes this.
  4. Gavin New Member

    I see the London gig - where do you see the Manchester/Bristol gigs?
  5. dogbert Member

    The Manchester/Bristol gigs were listed on the Radical Face faceboook page yesterday.
  6. neonbible Member

    Tickets are available for London, Manc and Bristol on Seetickets and Ticketweb.
  7. hughesypf Active Member

    Your right, the London venue looks amazing, just bought the tickets! The website doesn't seem to have been updated but all the European Tour Shows and details about them seem to be listed here: http://www.bandsintown.com/RadicalFace. The people of Germany are in for a treat; 6 shows!
  8. Gavin New Member

    Think I'll book the London show (I assume I won't burn up into ash upon entering the church, despite being an atheist). Can't wait! The Bristol venue looks great too.
  9. NewEyes New Member

    Awesome. Very close to a clash though, I've got tickets for the National in London on the 13th, now there's Ben on the 12th I'm probably just going to take a couple of days off, find a hotel and make a thing of it.
  10. MagicalZebra Active Member

    I think manchester might be easier to get to for me, but I still want to go to the London one just because of the venue. Looks awesome.
  11. ben Administrator

    Haahaha. Sorry about that. I actually don't have a ton of say about where I go per trip. It's usually a "What can we reasonably do in two weeks, and where will people show up?" kind of thing. Too much travel means less shows and more cost, etc. And since I'm bringing more people with me on this run (a bass player, and a string player) then that adds to it too.

    I'll try to catch the other parts of the UK when I head out next time, if it seems like it would work.

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