Pre-Order Severus & Stone Package

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MrImSoGreat, Oct 2, 2011.

  1. MrImSoGreat Member

    First and foremost, I'd like to commend you, Ben, on putting these albums out yourself. I continue to be in awe of the dedication you've got to your art. Kudos. Also kudos to your sister in helping you with the merch, very cool indeed.

    But I'd like to take a moment to say how much I liked the Severus and Stone download that comes with the pre-order. I'd like to ask if there will be a written story for each song on the album as well, because I really enjoyed reading it. Makes me wonder how your novels were (before they were lost, R.I.P.). And, I don't know if you have ever discussed what the plots for those novels were... but I'd love to know.

    But yes... Just wondering if there are similar packages planned for the rest of the songs on the album.

    P.S. - Bishop's Song... Very cool, my friend. Very cool of you.
  2. ben Administrator

    Aha! So you found it. I'm wondering how many people will notice.

    But I'm glad to hear someone enjoyed the story. I'm gonna put up a couple more pretty soon after the record is out. As well as make some more videos. But there won't be one for every song. Just two or three more. I think some I like better with less explanation.

    As for the books, I don't think the two I lost were very good. I wrote them when I was 19, and I'm sure they read like someone just starting. But one was science fiction story about a theocracy, and the other was about a kid who could control his surroundings by writing in his journal. I still really want to write another book one day. It's on my "do this before you die" list. Not that I actually have that list lying around, but hey.
  3. Lui New Member

    Que pasa? Another hidden song? Where?!
  4. Oni60 New Member

    Hi everyone!

    So what's this Preorder package?
    I've preordered the album (cd+tshirt+package) but didn't received anything like this Severus And Stone Package.
  5. hughesypf Active Member

    Ah! a book/story thing. The bonus gift is revealed!

    Though I had the same thing as Oni, is it because I pre-ordered it from the U.K/ Europe store or am I just missing something?
  6. ben Administrator

  7. hughesypf Active Member

    Oh, thanks, silly me, I will look foward to getting them with the rest of it :)

    The story looks really good, I will read it later.
  8. Cerunincos New Member

    Nifty stuff, that Severus and Stone package. I love how you're handling these non-album songs, too, with The Bastards series and now this.
  9. Walruz New Member

    What is this "Bishop's Song?"
  10. eoin.anderson Member

    I totally did not notice Bishop's song. I even went back and looked and couldn't find anything! Anyone want to fill us in? haha
  11. MrImSoGreat Member

    Am I the only one that has gotten Bishop's Song? Haha. I would let you in on the secret... But I'm sure Ben doesn't want it given away. I don't want to ruin it. ;)

    Awww... I was hoping the bonus gift would be a surprise. Nice going, Ben. Blabbermouth haha.
  12. i found bishops song :D and as for the gift, id have rather it stayed a secret, but it doesn't make a ton of difference; im still extremely excited haha :D
    Lui likes this.
  13. Lui New Member

    Found it, too! Jeez, wouldn't have thought that. Good thing I'm not a detective.
  14. Oni60 New Member

    Thanks a lot Ben.
    Indeed, i haven't received and could not find it.
    Thanks again.

    Edit : read it, and found the bishop's song. Really great Ben.

    By the way, i had the chance to preordered the album on iTunes (and the physical cd) and the album started to download on my computer.
    I just love Ghost Towns!!! The song is so moving and have a kind of melancholia. The fact is that i french and don't understand every lyrics yet (hope to find it in the booklet, i think it will be in).
    So i don't know if i get the right feeling about the song (especially melancholia) without understanding it all. Anyway, the song is great and i can't stop listen to it.

    Thanks a lot Ben for all your great work. Hope to see you one day in France.
  15. minor_glitch Member

    Found Bishop's Song :)
  16. hughesypf Active Member

    Bishop's Song, where are you?!

    So is it somewhere in the Severus and Stone Package? Oh by the way please no-one give it away, I think part of the fun is in the finding :D
  17. Ampersand New Member

    Really cool package and story! I didn't get the package when I ordered. Maybe because I ordered from the European store? Where in the process should we have gotten it? I also hope the bundle applies on the European store? I really want the bundle package. I ordered the CD+T-shirt thingy!

    I too cannot seem to find the Bishop's Song. I looked though the Severus & Stone package, but couldn't find it. EDIT: Shit, I got it now. I'm stupid.

    Btw; I love this kind of stuff, Ben!
  18. Ampersand New Member

    Weird! I got the download link from the mam-store, just now!
    I found the song as well now :D
  19. Amber Member

    AMAZING! I found the song haha
  20. a flicker of light Active Member

    Such a treat Ben, really. And its something to be puzzled by when you finally get it. I think this method of a little secret has my approval. It was fun, and I find it strange that I didn't put it together as I did earlier, because I did ask my self...why would he...


    See you in a few days!

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