Ben, could you sign my vinyl?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Eduardo Brown, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. Eduardo Brown New Member

    Hey Ben, I just bought a The Roots vynil from your store, and I was wondering, if it's you that handle this stuff, is there any chance you could sign the vinyl I bought?
  2. ben Administrator

    Yeah, it's me and my sister that handle the webstore. We mail it all out of my house. But I won't be in Jacksonville again until next month. So while normally it's no problem to sign stuff, I have to be at home.

    If you've already recieved it, maybe I could just sign a piece of paper and you could tape it to the vinyl? Hahaha.
  3. Eduardo Brown New Member

    Hahahaha.. As good as your idea sounds, I think I'm gonna live it for another time.
    I'll problably buy some Eletric President stuff next month from your store, then maybe you could sign one of the vinyls. :)
    That would be very special, thanks anyway. (Sorry for my bad english)
  4. ben Administrator

    Sure thing. Just include a note about it and I'll work the rest out.
  5. Regan King Member

    yer i need to get onto this aswell , even when we had dinner in LA i forgot to get photo proof of us hanging out and anything signed, thankfully something positive came from that night and your mate laura sent me on my way to colorado ... which actually changed my life ... anyways yer i'll be buying some stuff soon so its nice to know u can get it signed
  6. ben Administrator

    Oh, really? What happened in Colorado? That's awesome.
  7. Regan King Member

    well after accidentally spending a night in a homeless drop in centre i got told to head up to Boulder(i was chasing hiking trails etc) and ended up meeting some guys at a bar who were local Vail residents and went to CU i ended up living in some luxurious condos up in Vail during the last two months of my trip just snowboarding everyday... even had a full american styled thanks giving. it was so rad man i love u americans so damn friendly to tourists !
  8. Regan King Member

    i also got some "severus and stone" lyrics tattooed on my ribs in New York ... it was one hell of a trip man haha
    hughesypf likes this.
  9. ben Administrator

    Oh, that's awesome. That sounds like a really great experience. And I've found just as much hospitality in Europe. People are generally very friendly to strangers there.

    You should take a picture of the tattoo for me.

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